Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 4: music and arts có đáp án và lời giải

Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 4: music and arts có đáp án và lời giải


Tác giả: Thầy Tùng

Đăng ngày: 22 Aug 2022

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Hình minh họa Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 4: music and arts có đáp án và lời giải

Công thức toán học không thể tải, để xem trọn bộ tài liệu hoặc in ra làm bài tập, hãy tải file word về máy bạn nhé




1. anthem (n) / 'ænθəm /: quốc ca

2. atmosphere (n) / 'ætməsfɪər /: không khí, môi trường

3. compose (v) / kəm'pəʊz /: soạn, biên soạn

4. composer (n) / kəm'pəʊzər /: nhà soạn nhạc, nhạc sĩ

5. control (v) / kən'trəʊl /: điều khiển

6. core subject (n) / kɔːr 'sʌbdʒekt /: môn học cơ bản

7. country music (n) / 'kʌntri 'mju:zɪk /: nhạc đồng quê

8. curriculum (n) / kə'rɪkjʊləm /: chương trình học

9. folk music (n) / fəʊk 'mju:zɪk /: nhạc dân gian

10. non-essential (adj) / nɒn-ɪˈsenʃəl /: không cơ bản

11. opera (n) / 'ɒpərə /: vở nhạc kịch

12. originate (v) / ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt /: bắt nguồn

13. perform (n) / pə'fɔːm /: biểu diễn

14. performance (n) / pə'fɔːməns /: sự trình diễn, buổi biểu diễn

15. photography (n) / fə'tɒɡrəfi /: nhiếp ảnh

16. puppet (n) / 'pʌpɪt /: con rối

17. rural (adj) / 'rʊərəl /: thuộc nông thôn, thôn quê

18. sculpture (n) / 'skʌlptʃər /: điêu khắc, tác phẩm điêu khắc

19. support (v) /sə'pɔ:t/: nâng đỡ

20. Tick Tac Toe (n) / tɪk tæk təʊ /: trò chơi cờ ca-rô

21. water puppetry (n) / 'wɔːtər 'pʌpɪtrɪ /: múa rối nước



1. So sánh sự giống nhau.
a. Cấu trúc so sánh ngang bằng với as…as.
Cấu trúc:               S + to be + as + adj + as + noun/ pronoun/ clause.

Ví dụ: 
          Folk music is as melodic as pop music. 
          (Nhạc dân gian thì du dương như là nhạc pop.)
          My picture is as expensive as yours.  
          (Bức tranh của tôi thì đắt bằng bức tranh của bạn.)
          The music festival this year is as good as it was before. 
          (Lễ hội nhạc năm nay vẫn tốt như ngày nào.)
b. Cấu trúc so sánh với the same as.
Cấu trúc:  S + tobe + the same + as + noun/ pronoun/clause
Ví dụ: 
          The price of a guitar is the same as the price of a cello.
          (Giá một cây đàn ghi ta thì bằng với giá một cây đàn xen-lô.)
          Your sister's personality is the same as yours.
           (Tính cách của chị gái cậu giống cậu.)
          The school is the same as it was 5 years ago.
          (Ngôi trường vẫn giống như 5 năm trước đây.)
2. So sánh sự khác nhau.
a. Cấu trúc so sánh không ngang bằng với not as…as
Cấu trúc:        S + to be + not + as + adj + as + noun/ pronoun/clause
Ví dụ:
          Black and white movies are not as interesting as colour movies.
          (Những bộ phim đen trắng thì không hấp dẫn bằng những bộ phim màu.)
          My hometown is not as noisy as yours. 
          (Quê tôi không ồn ào như quê bạn.)
          She is not as famous as she was before. 
          (Cô ấy không còn nổi tiếng như trước nữa.)
b. Cấu trúc so sánh với different from
 Cấu trúc:                                  S + to be + different from + noun/ pronoun.
Ví dụ:
          Oil painting is different from pencil painting. 
          (Tranh sơn dầu thì khác với tranh vẽ chì.)
          Your taste in music is quite different from mine.
          (Sở thích âm nhạc của bạn khá là khác của tôi.)


1. Too
Được dùng để diễn tả ý đồng tình với một điều khẳng định trước đó và "too" thường đứng ở cuối câu, sau dấu phẩy.
Ví dụ:
          A: I love pop music.  (Tôi thích nhạc pop.)
          B: I love pop music, too. 
          B: I love it ,too.  (Tôi cũng thích nhạc pop.)
Hoặc là chúng ta có thể nói theo cách Câu đồng tình rút gọn sau:
Ví dụ:
            A: I love pop music. (Tôi thích nhạc pop.)
            B: I do, too. (Tôi cũng thế.)
Lưu ý: Trợ động từ phải tương ứng với chủ ngữ và thì của câu nêu trước đó.
Ví dụ:
          Ngoc is interested in dancing, and Lan is too.
          (Ngoc thích khiêu vũ và Lan cũng thích khiêu vũ.)
          Minh watched the concert on TV last night, and  her sister did too.
          (Minh đã xem buổi hòa nhạc trên TV tối qua và em gái cô ấy cũng xem nó.)
2. Either
Dùng trong câu phủ định và để đồng tình với một điều phủ định trước đó. “Either” cũng đứng ở cuối câu và trong câu đồng tình rút gọn chúng ta cần sử dụng các trợ động từ ở dạng phủ định.
Ví dụ:
          My sister doesn't know the name of that singer. 
          (Chị gái tôi không biết tên của cô ca sĩ đó.)
          I don't know either.  
          (Tôi cũng vậy.)
Ví dụ:
          Playing the cello isn't easy.  
          (Chơi đàn cello thì không dễ chút nào.)
          Playing the violin isn't easy either.  
          (Chơi đàn violin cũng không dễ chút nào)



I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1. A. collection B. tradition C. exhibition D. question

2. A. version B. pleasure C. usual D. design

3. A. closure B. sure C. pleasure D. leisure

4. A. ocean B. concert C. musician D. official

5. A. so B. expensive C. saxophone D. music

6. A. treasure B. closure C. exposure D. ensure

7. A. happy B. hard C. similarity D. talent

8. A. chorus B. brochure C. machine D. chef

9. A. treasure B. vision C. discussion D. decision

10. A. exhibition B. action C. question D. tradition

11. A. collect B. clean C. city D. cracker

12. A. pottery B. melody C. modal D. profit

13. A. near B. clear C. dear D. learn

14. A. knocked B. needed C. founded D. wanted

15. A. spring B. swimming C. think D. realize

16. A. country B. hungry C. fly D. every

17. A. why B. who C. when D. what

18. A. finished B. reported C. landed D. succeeded

19. A. celebrate B. lazy C. vacation D. mechanic

20. A. conclusion B. ensure C. rush D. mission

21. A. student B. study C. dust D. must

22. A. father B. date C. hard D. last

23. A. chapter B. rich C. cheese D. chemist

24. A. watches B. boxes C. buses D. tables

25. A. pleasure B. sound C. same D. best

26. A. foot B. pool C. moon D. food

27. A. birth B. their C. myth D. fifth

28. A. trays B. says C. bays D. days

29. A. companion B. company C. comparison D. compartment

30. A. naked B. wicked C. beloved D. confused

31. A. plumber B. doubt C. debt D. herbage

32. A. clothes B. gone C. drove D. ghost

33. A. hear B. clear C. swear D. ear

34. A. heat B. great C. beat D. teach

35. A. nearest B. head C. bread D. health

36. A. sign B. mistake C. triangle D. drive

37. A. noon B. tool C. blood D. spoon

38. A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps

39. A. decided B. played C. listened D. enjoyed

40. A. feed B. heat C. meat D. pleasure

41. A. dear B. fear C. hear D. heart

42. A. stupid B. studio C. study D. student

43. A. brother B. thick C. they D. that

44. A machine B. parachute C. champagne D. cheer

45. A. doctor B. hospital C. pollution D. tomorrow

46. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. high

47. A. collect B. clean C. city D. cracker

48. A. pottery B. melody C. modal D. profit

49. A. near B. clear C. dear D. learn

50. A. knocked B. needed C. founded D. wanted

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

1. A. gallery B. musician C. recently D. excellent

2. A. fantastic B. museum C. colourful D. melodic

3. A. necessity B. definitely C. traditional D. curriculum

4. A. perform B. painting C. concert D. cello

5. A. national B. festival C. saxophone D. violin

6. A. industry B. tornado C. natural D. injury

7. A. geography B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation

8. A. patient B. humour C. deny D. friendly

9. A. worried B. reserved C. polite D. arrive

10. A. mathematics B. economics C. politics D. automatics

11. A. realize B. improve C. possible D. comfortable

12. A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence

13. A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise

14. A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment

15. A. medical B. advise C. vegetables D. physical


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. He is very good at drawing_____. He often draws his parents and friends.

  1. crayons B. landmarks C. galleries D. portraits

2. She can play some musical_____ such as guitar, piano or cello.

A. instruments B. paintbrushes C. opera D. microphones

3. He_____ as a photographer. He likes ______ photos very much.

A. plays/drawing B. writes/taking

C. works/taking D. works/drawing

4. Physical education, music or art are the subjects in the secondary___ in Viet Nam.

A. curriculum B. necessity C. consideration D. importance

5. Do you know the national ______ of Viet Nam? -Yes. It's Tien Quan Ca.

A. composer B. anthem C. academic D. music

6. Some people should take notice of the main content in the discussion. They just talk about______ things.

A. suitable B. central C. unimportant D. necessary

7. The puppeteers are _____ the puppets by their strings.

A. controlling B. visiting C. appearing D. enjoying

8. She's looking to receiving the letter from her mother.

A. on B. forward C. up D. for

9. Your paintings are _______ his.

A. as beautiful so B. as beautiful as

C. more beautiful as D. so beautiful than

10.Her paintbrushes are so old. Hers are ______ yours.

A. as not new as B. not as new like

C. not as new as D. not as new than

11. His knowledge of history of art is _________ours.

A. the same as B. very same as C. like same as D. more same as

12. Their kind of music is _____ mine.

A. different with B. so different to

C. as different than D. different from

13. Some people think the band's rock and roll songs are very lively. They are _______ some of their gentle old songs.

A. the same as B. different from C. not as far as D. as much as

14. I love dancing, and my sister loves it, ________.

A. so B. too C. neither D. either

15. He can't play the saxophone, and his brother can't __________ .

A. either B. neither C. so D. too

16. No one else in the class plays the guitar John.

A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as

17. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain.

A. performing B. performance C. perform D. performed

18. Jane is not her brother.

A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as

C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that

19. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size.

A. part B. place C. note D. notice

20. He drives as his father does.

A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as

21. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colors.

A. traditional – nature B. tradition - natural

C. tradition – nature D. traditional - natural

22. I’ll be there I can.

A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as

23. My village is not it was ten years ago.

A. the same as B. the same to C. same as D. the same

24. The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all.

A. differently from B. not as friendly as

C. as friend as D. as friendly as

25. Water puppetry in the 11th century in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam.

A. originated B. formed C. started D. began

26. The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages.

A. city B. urban C. village D. rural

27. No one in my class is beautiful her.

A. as – as B. more - as C. as - than D. the - more

28. The group is for their albums and tours around the world.

A. well-knows B. know-how C. well-prepared D. well-known

29. Going by train isn’t convenient as going by car.

A. so B. as C. more D.A & B are correct.

30. The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and _____.

A. everyday life - folk rock B. every day life-folk people

C. everyday life - folk tales D. every day life-folk stories

31. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam.

A. curriculum B. education C. school year D. subjects

32. Robert does not have Peter does.

A. money more than B. as many money as

C. more money as D. as much money as

33. For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student.

A. in needs B. necessity C. necessary D. need

34. Last year, Matt earned his brother.

A. twice as much as B. twice as many as

C. twice more than D. twice as more as

35. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children.

A. unimportant B. unimportance

C. importantly D. importance

36. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain.

A. perform B. performed C. performing D. performance

37. This river is _____ that one.

A. as length as B. the same length as

C. like length D. as deep as

38. He is _______my father, but he looks young.

A. the same age of B. as old

C. the same age as D. so old as

39. Y ou can see many interesting in that art gallery.

A. paints B. colours C. portraits D. paper

40. The ring is ______that one. How much does it cost?

A. as expensive B. so expensive as

C. as expensive as D. as expensively as

41. The story is very interesting. I ______ it several times.

A. have read B. am reading C. read D. haven’t read

42. We ______. to New York last summer.

A. flew B. we’re going to fly

C. we’re flying D. have flown

43. She always talks in class. ______

A. So is Mai B. Mai is, too C. So does Mai D. Neither is Mai

44. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t .

A. too B. so C. either D. like that

45. Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films .

A. too B. either C. so D. however

46. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam.

A. school year B. subjects C. curriculum D. education

47. They are cutting grass in the garden. ______

A. I am, too B. So do I C. I do either D. I do neither

48. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children.

A. important B. importance C. unimportant D. unimportance

49. Classical music is not as pop music.

A. as exciting B. as excited C. exciting D. more excited

50. This film is not long as the film I watched last week.

A. as B. but C. either D. too


I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1. He is a famous________. I usually hear some of his wonderful songs when I relax


2. English is one of the______ subjects for students to learn.


3. They are really interested in water______ because it is one of the proud traditional arts in Viet Nam.


4. She played the piano and sang this song______. I couldn't stop watching her performance.


5. I want to know where this band________.


6. Avatar is probably the ______________film I’ve ever seen!


7. A dancer must throw her heart and soul into every ________.


8. I think Men in Black 1 was as ____ _____as Men in Black 3.


9. Although John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite ___________.


10. Dong Ho paintings are made with ______________colours.


11. His friends are all ______________ - they’re painters, musicians, and writers.


12. He later became a famous jazz _______playing saxophone.


13. The problems seemed so small and ______________.


14. 3. I think that good knowledge of arts and music is a for anyone.


15. The she gave last night was marvelous.


16. Water puppetry in the villages of the Red River Delta.


17. The DAN BAU is a Vietnamese traditional instrument.


18. is the art or taking and processing photographs.


19. I don’t like pop music because it is not as as rock and roll.


20. Peter has received a letter of to see a water



I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. His life (be) so boring. He just (watch) TV every night.

2. I (be) late for school yesterday

3. My father (be/ not) at the office the day before yesterday.

4. Mr. and Mrs. James (come) back home and have lunch late last night?

5. How you (get) there?

6. John (study) hard in class, but I (not think) he'll pass.

7. It (be) cloudy yesterday.

8. Where your children (be) ?

9. The telephone (ring) several times and then (stop) before I could answer it.

10. The bank (close) at four o'clock.

11. The little boy (spend) hours in his room making his toys.

12. Jamie passed the exam because he (study) very hard.

13. My mother (fry) eggs for breakfast every morning.

14. Mozart (have) more than 600 pieces of music.

15. My father (not watch) TV last night but I (do).

16. anyone (phone) yet?

17. Three people (visit) him in hospital last Friday.

18. How many games your team (win) so far this season?

19. She (go) to Japan but now she (not/ come) back.

20. They (visit) a farm two weeks ago.

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.

Kevin O’Donnell works in Hollywood. He records sound for films. He (1. work) on his first film in 1980: Star Wars. He’s now 51 and he (2. help) to make more than 100 films. In 1983, he (3. do) the sound on the film called Terms of Endearment. The film (4. win) five Oscars, but O’Donnell (5. not win) one. He (6. be) at the Oscars in 1983 when he was only 26.

Now, he (7. be) to the Oscars 20 times. He has worked on Top Gun,Terminator 3, Spider-Man, Transformers and other great films, but he (8. not win) an Oscar yet. He (9. write) 20 speeches so far, but (10. never given) one. The speeches are in a drawer in his house. Kevin doesn’t mind. He knows the sound in his films is amazing. He’s going to win - one day!


I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.

1. She's interested in photographs because she wants to take a lot of beautiful photos of life. A B C D

2. The band would like to share their interest in music to their fans by singing good


songs in their concert.

3. Water puppetry is one of the unique and traditional artist forms in Viet Nam.


4. She thinks her younger brother plays the piano as good as she does.


5. Some people say that the melody of classical music isn't more quick as hip-hop.


6. My hobby isn't quite different with your hobby, so I think we can become close friends. A B C D

7. She doesn't like going to cinema, and her sister doesn't too.


8. I think your idea is quite different as mine.


9. Uncle Jimmy came to stay with us last month; it is very nice life.


10. I have travelled a lot, but I have never been in the USA.


II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.



1. A lot of people are good artists and they are successfully in life.

2. Music promote creativity, social development, and personality.

3. The Mona Lisa is a portrait paint by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Your violin is the same with the one I’ve just bought.

5. My mother doesn’t like rock music and I don’t too.

6. The weather of Hong Kong is different from that of Canada’s.

7. How long do you go to the movies? - Twice a month.

8. The weather today is not so hot as it is yesterday.

9. They kept me in the dark. I didn’t knew anything about that robbery.

10. Yesterday class 2B has gone to the National Library.












I. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

Kevin O’Donnell works (1) Hollywood. He records (2) for films. He worked on his first film in 1980: Star Wars. He’s now 51 and he (3)_____helped to make more than 100 films. In 1983, he did the sound on the film called Terms of Endearment. The film won five Oscars, but O’Donnell (4) win one. He was at the Oscars in 1983 (5) he was only 26.

Now, he has (6) to the Oscars 20 times. He worked on Top Gun, Terminator 3, Spider-Man, Transformers and other great films, but he hasn’t won an Oscar (7) . He has written 20 speeches so far, but has never been given one. (8) speeches are in a drawer in (9) house. Kevin doesn’t mind. He knows the sound in his films is amazing. He’s (10) to win one day!

II. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box.

however made best was much

leaving wrote lived in the

One of the first novels in the history of literature (1) written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2) London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, be began to write stories. After (3) school, he worked in his father’s shop and (4) articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him (5) in his writings.

In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which (6) _________ him famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who (7)__________ on an island for four years. Robinson Crusoe in Defoes novel lived on an island for twenty-eight years. People liked (8) novel in England and in many other countries, Daniel Defoe wrote other books. (9) , his novel Robison Crusoe was the (10) famous. Defoe was not a rich man when he died in 1731.

III. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Have you ever seen the film School of Rock? It’s about a rock musician who became a teacher. The film is based on a real music school which is run by Paul Green. Paul Green started the first School of Rock in 1998 in Philadelphia in the USA. He gave students rock music lessons after school, but he wanted to do more. Now he gives them the chance to play in rock concerts. “Some of our students have never played in front of a real audience before. We teach them how to do it.” he says. He has already taught hundreds of young people to be rock performers, and now there are 30 schools of rock in different towns in the USA.

1. How many students has he taught?

2. How many schools of rock are there in the USA?

3. When did Paul Green start his first rock school?

4. What is the film School of Rock about?

5. What does he teach his students to do?

IV. Read the text about an artist. Choose the correct answer: A, B, or C.

You can’t buy a drawing by Julian Beever and you can’t see his work in a gallery or museum. Julian makes his amazing pictures on the pavements of city streets. People have called him “the Pavement Picasso” and perhaps you have seen his pictures on the Internet.

Julian has made hundreds of pieces of “pavement art” in different countries - in many parts of Europe and also in the USA, Australia, Japan, Argentina, and Brazil.

His drawings can take three or four days to finish. But because he draws with chalk, the drawings only stay for a short time. When people walk on them or when it rains, they quickly disappear. For Julian, this isn’t a problem. The drawings survive in the photos he has taken, and this is the most important thing for him.

Julian’s fame hasn’t come from experts in the art world, but from the Internet. “The reason why my work has become well known is because people like it and they’ve sent it to each other on the Internet,” he says. “So I know that what I do is popular.”

Julian Beever is from Leicestershire in England, but he now lives in Belgium.

1. Julian Beever makes drawings .

A. outside B. on his computer C. for exhibitions in a gallery

2. He has worked .

A. in a few cities B. in lots of countries C. with hundreds of people

3. His pictures .

A. are easy to draw B. look good when it rains C. don’t stay for a long time

4. Lots of people know Julian’s art because .

A. they know a lot about art

B. he has sent photos to them

C. they have seen it on the net

5. Julian Beever .

A. hasn’t lived in Britain

B. hasn’t tried to be a star in the art world

C. isn’t very interested in photos


I. Complete sentences with too or either.

1. We often go to the library on Sunday afternoon, they

2. Susan can speak Japanese, Tom

3. Minh didn't see the train, Nga

4. Hoa will fly to Hong Kong next month, and her mother

5. The pineapples aren’t ripe. And the durians

6. March is hot, and May

7. The boys shouldn’t smoke cigarettes and the girls

8. I don’t know how to use a computer and my friends

9. She likes eggs, and her brothers

10. They stayed at home last night, and their children

II. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. Mr. Pike teaches history of arts. Mrs May teaches history of music. SAME SUBJECT

2. This bike is 800,000 VND. That bike is 600,000 VND (PRICE ... DIFFERENT)

3. Linda didn’t go to the concert show last night. Susan didn’t go to the concert show last night. (EITHER)

4. Classical music is interesting. Folk music is interesting. (AS ... AS)

5. Mr. Owen speaks English. Mrs. Phan speaks English. (SAME LANGUAGE)

III. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above.

1. This room is larger than the one at the end of the corridor of the art gallery.

The room at the end of the corridor of the art gallery is not .

2. I think action films are more exciting than romance films.

In my opinion, romance films are not .

3. Salvador Dali’s paintings are different from Picasso’s paintings.

Picasso’s paintings are not .

4. I am interested in comic books, and my brother is also interested in comic books.

I am interested in comic books, and my brother is .

5. My mother doesn’t like thrillers. I don’t like them.

My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t .

6. She takes photographs and collects coins as hobbies.

Her hobbies are .

7. “Chèo” or “Cải lương” are considered some kinds of traditional opera in Viet Nam.

Viet Nam has some kinds of .

8. My sister sings better than me.

I don’t sing .

9. Ballets and modern dance are quite different.

Ballets and modern dance are not .

10. The project was shorter than we thought at first.

The project was not as .

IV. Write a letter to invite a friend to a circus, using the following cues.

Dear Nam

1. I/ happy/ hear/ that/ you/ your family/ well.

2. You/ remember/ circus/ we/ see/ last year?

3. Circus/ coming/ again/ our city.

4. My father/ tickets/ circus.

5. We/ you/ go/ us.

6. You/ free/ this weekend?

7. We/ meet/ 7 pm/ outside/ theatre.

8. Show/ begin/ 7.30 pm.

9. I/ hope/ we/ good time/ together.

10. I/ look forward/ see/ you/ there.

Have a good day!






I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1. D

11. C

21. A

31. D

41. D

2. D

12. B

22. B

32. B

42. C

3. B

13. D

23. D

33. C

43. B

4. B

14. A

24. D

34. B

44. D

5. D

15. D

25. A

35. A

45. C

6. D

16. C

26. A

36. B

46. D

7. B

17. B

27. B

37. C

47. C

8. A

18. A

28. B

38. A

48. C

9. C

19. D

29. B

39. A

49. D

10. C

20. A

30. D

40. D

50. A

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

1. B

4. A

7. B

10. C

13. A

2. C

5. D

8. C

11. B

14. C

3. B

6. B

9. A

12. D

15. B


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.




















































I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1. musician

6. worst

11. artistic

16. originated

2. compulsory

7. performance

12. musician

17. musical

3. puppetry

8. exciting

13. unimportant

18. photography

4. artistically

9. differently

14. necessity

19. excited

5. originated

10. natural

15. performance

20. invitation


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. is- watches

11.has spent

2. was


3. was not

13. fries

4. Did…come back

14. has

5. did you get

15. didn’t watch-did

6. is studying- don’t think

16. Has.. phoned

7. was

17. visited

8. are

18. have.. won

9. rang- stopped

19. has gone- hasn’t come

10. closed


II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.

1. worked

6. was

2. has helped

7. has been

3. did

8. hasn’t won

4. won

9. has written

5. didn’t win

10.have never been given


I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. D

5. D

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. C

10. D

II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.

1. successfully → successful

6. Canada’s → Canada

2. promote →promotes

7.How long → How often

3. paint →painting

8. is → was

4. with → as

9. didn’t knew→ didn’t know

5. too → either

10.has gone →went


I. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

1. in

2. sound

3. has

4. didn’t

5. when

6. been

7. yet

8. The

9. his

10. going

II. Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box.

l. was

2. in

3. leaving

4. wrote

5. much

6. made

7. lived

8. the

9. However

10. most

III. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

1. He has already taught hundreds of young people.

2. There are over 30 schools of rock in different towns in the USA.

3. He started the first School of Rockin 1998.

4. It’s about a rock musician who became a teacher.

5. He teaches them to be rock performers.

IV. Read the text about an artist. Choose the correct answer: A, B, or C.

1. A

2. B

3. C


5. B


I. Complete sentences with too or either.

1. they do, too. 2. Tom can, too.

3. Nga didn’t, either. 4. her mother will, too.

5. the durians aren’t, either. 6. May is, too.

7. the girls shouldn’t, either. 8. my friends don’t, either.

9. her brothers do, too. 10. their children did, too.

II. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. Mr. Pike teaches history of arts and Mrs. May teaches the same subject.

2. The price of this bike is different from that bike.

3. Linda didn’t go to the concert show last night and Susan didn’t, either

4. Classical music is as interesting as folk music.

5. Mr. Owen speaks English and Mrs. Phan speaks the same language.

III. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence above.

1. The room at the end of the corridor of the art gallery is not as large as this room.

2. In my opinion, romance films are not as exciting as action films.

3. Picasso’s paintings are not the same as Salvador Dali’s paintings.

4. I am interested in comic books, and my brother is interested in comic books too.

5. My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t either.

6. Her hobbies are taking photographs and collecting coins.

7. Viet Nam has some kinds of traditional opera, such as “Chèo” or “Cải lương”.

8. I don’t sing as well as my sister.

9. Ballets and modern dance are not the same.

10. The project was not as long as we thought at first.

IV. Write a letter to invite a friend to a circus, using the following cues.

1. I am happy to hear that you and your family are well.

2. Did you remember the circus (that) we saw last year?

3. The circus is coming again to our city.

4. My father has bought the tickets for the circus.

5. We would like you to go with us.

6. Are you free this weekend?

7. We will meet you at 7 pm outside the theatre.

8. The show begins at 7.30 pm.

9. I hope we will have a good time together.

10. I look forward to seeing you there/ I am looking forward to seeing you there.
