Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 3: community service có đáp án và lời giải

Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 3: community service có đáp án và lời giải


Tác giả: Thầy Tùng

Đăng ngày: 22 Aug 2022

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Hình minh họa Bài tập thực hành chuyên sâu tiếng anh 7 unit 3: community service có đáp án và lời giải

Công thức toán học không thể tải, để xem trọn bộ tài liệu hoặc in ra làm bài tập, hãy tải file word về máy bạn nhé




1. benefit (n) / 'benɪfɪt /: lợi ích

2. blanket (n) / 'blæŋkɪt /: chăn

3. charitable (adj) / 'tʃærɪtəbl /: từ thiện

4. clean up (n, v) / kli:n ʌp /: dọn sạch

5. community service (n) / kə'mju:nəti 'sɜːvɪs /: dịch vụ công cộng

6. disabled people (n) / dɪˈseɪbld ̩ 'pi:pl /: người tàn tật

7. donate (v) / dəʊˈneɪt /: hiến tặng, đóng góp

8. elderly people (n) / 'eldəli 'pi:pl /: người cao tuổi

9. graffiti / ɡrə'fi:ti /: hình hoặc chữ vẽ trên tường

10. homeless people / 'həʊmləs 'pi:pl /: người vô gia cư

11. interview (n, v) / 'ɪntərvju: /: cuộc phỏng vấn, phỏng vấn

12. make a difference / meɪk ə 'dɪfərəns /: làm thay đổi (cho tốt đẹp hơn)

13. mentor (n) / 'mentɔːr /: thầy hướng dẫn

14. mural (n) / 'mjʊərəl /: tranh khổ lớn

15. non-profit organization (n) / nɒn-'prɒfɪt ,ɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən /: tổ chức phi lợi nhuận

16. nursing home / 'nɜːsɪŋ həʊm /: nhà dưỡng lão

17. organisation (n) /,ɔ:gənai'zeiʃn/: tổ chức

18. service (n) / 'sɜːrvɪs /: dịch vụ

19. shelter (n) / 'ʃeltər /: mái ấm, nhà tình thương, nhà cứu trợ

20. sort (n) /sɔ:t/ : thứ, loại, hạng

21. street children (n) / stri:t 'tʃɪldrən /: trẻ em (lang thang) đường phố

22. to be forced / tu: bi: fɔːst /: bị ép buộc

23. traffic jam (n) / "træfɪk dʒæm /: ùn tắc giao thông

24. tutor (n, v) / 'tju:tər /: thầy dạy kèm, dạy kèm

25. volunteer (n, v) / ,vɒlən'tɪər /: người tình nguyện, đi tình nguyện

26. use public transport (bus, tube,…): dùng các phương tiện giao thông công cộng

27. start a clean-up campaign: phát động một chiến dịch làm sạch

28. plant trees: trồng cây

29. punish people who make graffiti: phạt những người vẽ bậy

30. raise people’s awareness: nâng cao ý thức của mọi người



1.  Cách dùng
* Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng để diễn tả một sự việc xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ.
Vi dụ:  I played football yesterday afternoon. (Tôi chơi bóng đá chiều hôm qua.)
* Diễn tả một sự việc xảy ra trong một khoảng thời gian ở quá khứ và đã kết thúc hoàn toàn ở hiện tại.
Được dùng với các cụm từ như: for + khoảng thời gian; from…to…
Ví dụ: I played football for 3 years. ( Tôi chơi bóng đá được 3 năm).
           We were in the boat from Monday to Friday of last week. 
(Chúng tôi đã ở trên con thuyền này từ thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu tuần trước.)
* Diễn tả một chuỗi các hoạt động xảy ra kế tiếp nhau trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: She came home, switched on the computer and played game. 
                 (Cô ấy về nhà, khởi động máy tính và chơi game.)
2. Cấu trúc câu:
a. Câu khẳng định:  S + V-ed/P2
Ví dụ: I played basketball with my friends yesterday afternoon. (Hôm qua tôi chơi bóng rổ với các bạn tôi.)
He went to the gym last week. (Tuần trước anh ấy đến phòng tập.)
b. Câu phủ định:  S + did not/didn't + V-infinitive
Ví dụ:  We didn’t ski last summer.(Chúng tôi không trượt tuyết mùa đông năm ngoái.)
Nam didn’t play table tennis. (Nam không chơi bóng bàn hôm qua.)
c. Câu hỏi nghi vấn:  Did + S + V-infinitive?
Câu trả lời: Có 2 cách  
 Yes, S+ did  (Có…) hoặc  No, S+ did n’t. (Không…)
Ví dụ: - Did you take in cycling last month? Tháng trước cậu tham gia đua xe không?)
 - Yes, I did.  (Có.)
- Did he skateboard yesterday? (Hôm qua anh ấy có chơi  lướt ván không?)
- No, He didn’t.  (Không)
3. Dạng quá khứ của động từ thường.
a. Dạng quá khứ của động từ theo quy tắc.
Thêm -ed vào sau những động từ theo quy tắc khi chia ở thì quá khứ đơn.
Ví dụ:
Last year, she worked for a big company.  (Năm ngoái, cô ấy đã làm việc cho một công ty lớn.)
Last night, he watched a football match. (Đêm qua anh ấy đã xem bóng đá.)

Quy tắc thêm –ed
Động từ kết thúc bằng "-e" thêm "-d" vào sau động từ.
Ví dụ:  arrive – arrived
Động từ có một âm tiết hoặc có hai âm tiết nhưng trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 và động từ đó kết thúc bằng một nguyên âm + một phụ âm: Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối và thêm -ed.
Ví dụ:  stop - stopped, prefer - preferred.
Động từ kết thúc bằng một phụ âm và "-y" ta chuyển "–y" thành "-i" và thêm "-ed".
Ví dụ:  study – studied
Động từ kết thúc bằng một nguyên âm và "-y" ta thêm "-ed".
Ví dụ:  play - played
Cách phát âm đuôi -ed
- Phát âm là /ɪd/ khi âm tận cùng của động từ nguyên thể là /t/, /d/.
Ví dụ:  started , needed , wanted…..
- Phát âm là /t/ khi âm tận cùng của động từ nguyên thể là /k/, /s/, /ʃ/, /f/, /p/, /tʃ/.
Ví dụ: looked , dressed , washed , laughed , stopped , watched
- Phát âm là /d/ khi âm tận cùng của động từ nguyên thể là các âm còn lại.
Ví dụ: smiled , played
b. Dạng quá khứ của động từ bất quy tắc
Cách chia động từ bất quy tắc: Xem ở cột 2 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc hoặc tra từ điển dạng thức quá khứ của các động từ này.
Ví dụ:              go- went                     have- had                  buy - bought
4. Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ.
Yesterday: Ngày hôm qua
Yesterday morning: Sáng ngày hôm qua.
Yesterday afternoon: Chiều hôm qua.
Yesterday evening: Tối hôm qua
(Two days, three weeks) ago: Hai ngày trước, ba tuần trước….
Last (year, month, week): Năm ngoái, tháng trướng, tuần trước
In (2002, June): Năm 2002, vào tháng 6.
From ….. to ….. : Từ thời điểm nào đến thời điểm nào.
In the (2000s, 1980s): Vào những năm 2000, 1980.
In the last century: Vào thế kỷ trước.
In the past: Trước đây.


1. Công thức:
                       Khẳng định:       S + have/ has + V3/-ed
                       Phủ định:           S + haven’t/ hasn’t + V3/-ed
                       Nghi vấn:           (Wh-) + have/ has + S + V3/-ed …?
2. Cách dùng:
- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục trong tương lai.
Ví dụ: I have learnt English since 2002. (Tôi học tiếng anh từ năm 2002.)
          She has worked in that company for ten years. (Cô ấy làm việc cho công ty đó được 10 năm rồi.)
- Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không có thời gian xác định.
Ví dụ: I have read that novel several times. (Tôi đã đọc vuốn tiểu thuyết đó được vài lần.)
- Diễn tả một hành động vừa mới xảy ra, hay vừa mới hoàn tất.
Ví dụ: She has just gone out. (Cô ấy vừa mới ra ngoài.)
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
Trong câu thường có các từ:
- Never: chưa bao giờ/ - Ever: có bao giờ, đã từng/- Just: vừa mới/
- Since + mốc thời gian (since 2000/ last summer )
- For + khoảng thời gian (for ages/ two years)
- Already: đã rồi / - How long: bao lâu/ - Before: trước đây/ - Recently, lately: gần đây /  - Yet:chưa(dùng trong
câu phủ định và câu hỏi)

- Many times, several times: nhiều lần
- In the past (ten) years: trong (mười) năm qua
- In the last (years): những (năm) gần đây
- So far, up to now, up to the present: cho tới bây giờ
- This is the first time/ the second time: đây là lần đầu/ lần thứ hai



I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1. A. near B. learn C. dear D. clear

2. A. knocked B. needed C. founded D. wanted

3. A. volunteer B. collage C. community D. doctor

4. A. provide B. individual C. situation D. children

5. A. tutor B. student C. university D. discuss

6. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. high

7. A. collect B. clean C. city D. cracker

8. A. blanket B. donate C. calorie D. allergy

9. A. laugh B. cough C. bought D. tough

10. A. game B. gym C. girl D. bag

11. A. calorie B. labour C. community D. volunteer

12. A. environmental B. benefit C. service D. sick

13. A. danced B. helped C. watched D. enjoyed

14. A. architect B. church C. children D. armchair

15. A. general B. garden C. go D. get

16. A. cancel B. ceiling C. calling D. cupboard

17. A. calories B. carve C. collage D. center

18. A. unique B. mosquito C. mosque D. question

19. A. camping B. recycle C. vacumm D. community

20. A. giant B. target C. figure D. garbage

21. A. chemist B. school C. chance D. chaos

22. A. frog B. drag C. page D. mug

23. A. kite B. cookie C. hike D. knit

24. A. volunteer B. committee C. guarantee D. degree

25. A. chemistry B. chemical C. charity D. mechanic

26. A. architect B. church C. childhood D. change

27. A. collage B. cave C. cycle D. cancel

28. A. child B. provide C. mind D. think

29. A. blanket B. calorie C. donate D. allergy

30. A. help B. benefit C. elderly D. garden

31. A. volunteer B. collage C. community D. doctor

32. A. provide B. individual C. situation D. children

33. A. tutor B. student C. university D. discuss

34. A. butter B. put C. sugar D. push

35. A. few B. new C. threw D. knew

36. A. pretty B. get C. send D. well

37. A. grew B. threw C. knew D. flew

38. A. close B. chose C. lose D. rose

39. A. cough B. laugh C. enough D. high

40. A. are B. fair C. there D. wear

41. A. reliable B. living C. revival D. final

42. A. hate B. play C. nation D. international

43. A. bead B. read C. dead D. recede

44. A. nature B. change C. gravity D. basis

45. A. discipline B. vision C. cylinder D. muscle

46. A. office B. promise C. service D. expertise

47. A. suitable B. biscuit C. guilty D. building

48. A. however B. vehicle     C. helicopter       D. ahead

49. A. wished B. produced C. performed D. liked

50. A. many                 B. parade     C. great         D. gravy

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

1. A. interview B. wonderful C. benefit D. volunteer

2. A. possible B. conjunction C. recycle D. attention

3. A. service B. project C. protect D. rubbish

4. A. general B. graffiti C. confident D. hospital

5. A. shelter B. blanket C. coupon D. depression

6. A. arcade B. cartoon C. invite D. author

7. A. dishwasher B. athletics C. terrible D. compliment

8. A. uniform B. appointment C. unhappy D. delightful

9. A. entertainment B. celebration C. cafeterial D. championship

10. A. different B. orchestra C. appliance D. favorite

11. A. informal B. provide C. problem D. supply

12. A. employment B. different C. president D. evident

13. A. engineer B. national C. scientist D. figure

14. A. intelligent B. interest C. dependent D. computer

15. A. recycle B. protect C. instead D. natural


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. We came to the remote village and meals for homeless children.

A. cook B. offered C. do D. made

2. You should think of the volunteer activities in your community.

A. taking in B. taking part in C. participating D. making

3. Traditional volunteer activities include money for people in need, cooking and giving food.

A. rising B. raising C. getting D. taking

4. You can help young children by them to do homework before or after school.

A. doing B. offering C. teaching D. helping

5. Let’s collect and warm clothes to homeless children in our city.

A. give away B. give back C. take off D. put on

6. To help people in remote areas, we can transportation, such as giving rides

to the elderly.

A. give B. bring C. provide D. donate

7. Let’s help the sweet children because they have bad .

A. live B. living conditions C. ways of life D. earnings

8. They have decided to ride to work it is good for their health and the


A. so B. but C. although D. because

9. Our school has a programme to children from poor families in Ho Chi Minh City.

A. ask B. offer C. tutor D. volunteer

10. Americans the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.

A. have had B. has had C. had D. to have

11. Volunteers can do general such as clean-up projects or home repair.

A. activities B. things C. labour D. jobs

12. My brother and I a white tiger already.

A. have seen B. has seen C. see D. are seeing

13.I ____blood twice, and presents to sick ______ children in the hospital recently.

A. donate - give B. donated — gave

C. have donated - have given D. have donated - gave

14. Volunteering is special me because I can help others.

A. at B. for C. with D. to

15.How many novels Charles Dickens ?

A. does - write B. have - written

C. did - written D. did - write

16. He ate a lot of fried food so he fat quickly.

A. get B. got C. gets D. will get

17. The Japanese eat a lot of fish and healthy food, they live for a long time.

A. so B. because C. or D. but

18. Lan English for more than a year but she can speak it very well.

A. learns B. learn C. learned D. has learned

19. You should watch less TV because looking at screens in a long time your eyes.

A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurting D. to hurt

20. Go Green people to recycle rubbish, such as glass, cans and paper.

A. to encourage B. encourage C. encouraged D. has encouraged

21. Be a Buddy has education for street children.

A. given B. spent C. provided D. helped

22. He books for poor children for years.

A. has collected B. collects C. is collecting D. collected

23. Linh often uses her headphones when she listens to music her parents don’t like loud noise.

A. so B. but C. because D. and

24. Ngoc loves outdoors with trees and flowers.

A. to be B. be C. being D. A & C

25. I think 10 years from now more people going to work by bicycle.

A. to enjoy B. will enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoy

26. Volunteers can do general such as clean-up project or home repair.

A. activities B. things C. labour D. jobs

27. My brother and I a white tiger already.

A. have seen B. has seen C. see D. are seeing

28. I blood twice, and presents to sick children in the hospital recently.

A. donate - give B. donated - gave

C. have donated - have given D. have donated - gave

29. He ______newspapers for ten years.

A. is selling B. sells C. has been sold D. has sold

30. How many novels Charles Dickens ?

A. did - write B. have - written C. did - written D. does - write

31. We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we by train.

A. flew- went B. has flown – went

C. have flown - have gone D. have flown - went

32. She blood twenty times so far.

A. donates B. has donated C. is donating D. to donate

33. He lectures to foreign tourists about traditional food and games recently.

A. gives B. gave C. have given D. has given

34. They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood it is full of rubbish.

A. so B. but C. although D. because

35. “Have you ever to Sa Pa?

A. arrived B. been C. seen D. visited

36. They donated their blood_______ the victims in the accident last week.

A. on B. to C. for D. with

37. We want to bring a lot of_______ to our community through volunteer activities.

A. encouragement B. protection

C. business D. benefits

38. She wants to support elderly people_______ and without asking for anything.

A. educationally B. differently C. willingly D. environmentally

39. He sometimes donates clothes to the local_______ organisation. It will bring them

to people in need.

A. charitable B. clean C. friendly D. skilful

40. We need to find an effective way to_______ traffic jams because they

Have increased rapidly for many years.

A. help B. collect C. recycle D. reduce

41. They need some volunteer_______ to help street children by teaching them English.

A. doctors B. nurses C. tutors D. engineers

42. He sometimes visits and brings some presents for elderly people at the_______

A. nursing home B. sports centre C. post office D. bus station

43. My mother used some_______ to cover my cuts when I fell down in the garden.

A. shelters B. coupons C. murals D. sticking plasters

44. Mai and her friend_______ a sum of money to the community centre to help disabled children last month.

A. have donated B. donated C. has donated D. are donating

45. The teacher_______ his students to hand in their assignments this morning.

A. asked B. has asked C. will ask D. is asking

46. We_______ a project to improve the living conditions for homeless people two days

ago. They_______ in difficult conditions for a long time.

A. attended/ lived B. have attended/ lived

C. attended/ have lived D. have attended/ have lived

47. My mother _______ dinner at home because she _______ to care for my grandma in

the hospital last evening.

A. didn't eat/ had B. ate/ had

C. hasn't eaten/ had D. has eaten/ has

48. He_______ his aunt since he_______ a little child. She_______ to the mountains

and_______ as a teacher many years ago.

A. hasn't met/ was/ has gone/ volunteered

B. didn't meet/ was/ hasn't gone/ didn't volunteered

C. hasn't met/ was/ went/ volunteered

D. didn't meet/ wasn't/ worked/ volunteered

49. She_______ public transport to work for ages because it helps to reduce air pollution.

A. hasn't chosen B. didn't choose C. chose D. has chosen

50. I_______ some food and drink for their new charitable centre yesterday. They_______ a lot of cheap meals for the poor for two months.

A. have provided/ have cooked B. provided/ have cooked

C. provided/ cooked D. have provided/ cooked


I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1.Community ________ have a lot of positive effects on students.


2. ______________ people find it difficult to have a job.


3.I’d like to work as a volunteer for a charity ______________.


4.He made a £5000 ______________ to charity.


5.The Soup Kitchen is a ______________ organization that provides free meals for needy people.


6.The homeless shelters are entirely staffed by ________ worker.


7.The organization is funded by ______________ donations.


8.We help the ______________ with housework and gardening.


9.He is_______that he will donate old books to poor children.


10.They will make a great_______for their community when they open a new school for the street children.


11. She is working for a_______organisation. It provides food and drink free forhomeless people.


12. His mother encourages him_______some social activities.


13. We called for help from our community to donate food and drink to people in a serious_______town.


14. He finds making pottery______because he isn't clever.


15. She washes her face______, so she rarely has spots.


16. The doctor gave her some______on how to lose her weight effectively.


17. ______can be solved thanks to the support of all the community.


18. We can help____people by providing suitable work for them.


19. By recycling, we can save _________resources.


20. The Boy Scouts of America is a youth ______________



I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form.

1. I (have) dinner when his friend called.

2. Joan (travel) around the world.

3. We (not begin) to study for the test yet.

4. Don’t get on a bus while it (run) .

5. I (invite) them to my birthday party yesterday, however, they (not come) .

6. Look! Somebody (clean) the room.

7. My brother (begin) looking for a job in January.

8. Timson (make) 13 films and I think her latest is the best.

9. She (cook) at the moment. That’s why she can’t answer the phone.

10. She doesn’t mind (go) out in the evening.

11. I (not see) him since we (leave) school.

12. Football (be) my favourite sport. I like (play) it in my free time.

13. Jane (leave) just a few minutes ago.

14. She (be) extremely quiet since her husband died.

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

  1. You ever (do) ________ volunteer work?
  2. Yes, I (do) __________ volunteer work last month.
  3. I ( collect) ________ hundreds of old books and clothes for street children so far.
  4. My sister wants to raise funds for street children so she (make) _________ hundreds of postcards to sell them.
  5. My hobby is carving eggshells and now I ( carve) __________ nearly 100.
  6. Going home from school yesterday, I (help) _____ an old man to go cross the street.
  7. Last Tuesday, I (go) _____ home late because there was a traffic jam near my school.
  8. At Tet, my mother and her close friends often go to the hospitals to donate cakes, sweets andfor the sick children there. She (do) ________ it for many years.
  9. Lan never (eat) _________ Banh tet. She will try some this year.
  10. Linh is my close friend. We (know) ________ each other for 5 years.

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Film maker George Richards (1. be)........................... interested in the cinema since he (2. be)........................... a small child. He (3. make)............................ his first film when he (4. be)......................... just twelve years old. He is now almost forty and he (5. make) ......................... thirty films. George loves travelling. His work (6.take)......................... him all over the world. He (7. be)......................... to Africa, India, Australia, China, the USA and South America. Last year, he (8.visit)......................... Russia for the first time. George is married to the singer Kathy Burke. They (9. be)......................... married for ten years. They live withtheir two children on the Greek island of Kos. They (10. buy)......................... a house on the island in 1987 and they are still living there.


I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.

1. They want to provide necessary life skills with street children in their community.


2. She has known how to look after sickness children in the right way so far.


3. We often volunteer at the nursing home to help elderly in our free time.


4. He has attended a green project and planted a lot of trees in their community


two months ago.

5. She had time to play chess with her brother yesterday morning because


she cleaned the dirty beach with her green club.


6. He has repaired and paints his son's old bicycle for two hours.


7. They didn't collected enough books and clothes for their volunteer programme yet.


8. They haven’t seen Deach other since September when they have met at Mary's party.


9. Peter has bought a new MP3 player yesterday but I haven’t seen it yet.


10. The hockey player hit his head on Friday and he was in hospital since then.


II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.



1. She has went to visit Susan. She’ll be back tomorrow.

2. I didn’t done any volunteer work lately.

3. Matha is a great cooker and she often cooks dinner for homeless people.

4. Kim hasn’t seen the film already, so don’t tell her how it ends.

5. She has donated a lot of money for local charities.

6. Before donate a book, make sure that it is in good condition.

7. We should encourage people recycle glass, cans, plastic and paper.

8. I studied Philosophy for a few years and I think it is a real advantage in life. I’m still learning Philosophy.

9. Look at that man! He can’t stand up because he have drunk too

much champagne.

10. It is late! 11.00 pm! By the way darling, I have bought a new dress this morning.












I. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

(1) January 17th, 1995, a powerful earthquake hit the city of Kobe, Japan. Many buildings (2) or collapsed.

Soon after the earthquake, people in Kobe (3) working together to save their city. Neighbours pulled each other out (4) collapsed buildings. Ordinary people (5) out fires even before the fire trucks arrived. Volunteers in Kobe organized themselves into (6) . They worked out a system to send (7) to people who needed. Other teams searched for belongings in damaged stores and homes. Some people (8) food, water, clothes, and electric generators to different part of the city. Some volunteers took (9) of children who had lost their parents. Teams of volunteers from outside Japan helped, too.

Today, Kobe has been built. But people there still remember the outpouring of support they (10)_______ from all over the world back in 1995.

1. A. in B. at C. on D. from

2. A. is burning B. burned C. burning D. burn

3. A. to begin B. are beginning C. begin D. began

4. A. into B. of C. on D. with

5. A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put

6. A. teams B. pair C. group D. friends

7. A. helped B. helping C. help D. to help

8. A. brought B. bringing C. brings D. brought

9. A. part B. care C. caring D. note

10. A. received B. is receiving C. have received D. receiving

II. Read the passage, and then choose the best answers.

Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, some of students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.

Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping. For boys who don’t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things those boys usually learn from their fathers.

Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trip to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls.

1. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes?

A. They do the shopping, and repair or clean up their house.

B. They tell them stories and sing dance for them.

C. They cool, sew, and wash their clothes.

D. They take them to basketball games.

2. What do they help boys whose fathers do not live with them?

A. To learn things about their fathers.

B. To get to know thing about their fathers.

C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers.

D. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

3 .Which activities are NOT available for the students at the clubs?

A. playing games B. learning photography

C. going to interest places D. watching films

4. Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because .

A. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls.

B. they have a lot of free time.

C. they know how to do the work.

D. they are good at playing games and learning new things.

5. Where don’t students often do volunteer work?

A. hospitals B. orphanages C. clubs D. homes for the elderly

III. Read the conversation between the interviewer (I) and the head of the village (HoV), and then choose the correct answers.

I: When did the volunteers come to your village?

HoV: Well, they came last month.

I:How many of them came?

HoV: A group of about twelve.

I: What did they do on the first day?

HoV: They held a meeting with me and some elderly villagers in the first evening to talk about their plans while they were staying in the village.

I: What did they do in the following days?

HoV: They repairedold cottages, taught the children how to have a healthy and clean life.

I: What did the villagers think of them?

HoV: Well, they loved them because they were very helpful, active, and polite.

I: Was there any change in the village after they came?

HoV: Yes, a lot. But they should come to help US more next year. I hope so.

I: What do you think of the community service?

HoV: Well, it is very helpful, and it makes US believe in the young generation.

1. The volunteers came to the village .

A. last week B. last month C. last year D. last weekend

2. On the first day the volunteers had a meeting with .

A. all the villagers

B. all the children

C. the head of the village and some of the villagers

D. all the children and the head of the village

3. They talked about .

A. staying in the village B. having a holiday in the village

C. what they would do D. what they would help the children

4. The villagers like them because they have .

A. appearance

B. hard working habit

C. hard working habit and good behavior

D. a healthy and clean life all the time

5. The head of the village thinks that _________

A. the community service is very helpful

B. he doesn’t believe in the young generation

C. he doesn’t want the volunteers to come back next year

D. the community service is not very helpful

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.

Hobbies are activities for entertainment. Hobby can cost you almost nothing.

Music is the most popular. For example, many people play the guitar for (1) ____ in their free time. Sports provide other (2) hobbies. Cycling, running, tennis, table-tennis are the sports that millions of people play during their free time.

Some people’s coin collections are wonderful. There are still hundreds of (3) collections, such as bottle collections, seashell collections, butterfly collections, and so on.

For some people, a hobby is a favourite (4) , like chess. In chess, we need two or more people (5) .

1. A. fun B. funny C. funnies D. funniest

2. A. strange B. normal C. favourite D. unusual

3. A. another B. other C. others D. the other

4. A. exercise B. game C. interest D. sports

5. A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing


I. Use the words and phrases to complete sentences.

1. The lakes/ are full/ rubbish. We should/ ask our friends/ clean them this Sunday.

2. The hurricane/ was terrible. Many houses/ are destroyed/ many people became homeless.

3. They are cold/ hungry. They have/ live/ the street this winter. We should ask people/ help them.

4. We/ can cook meals/ bring them/ homeless people.

5. We can ask people/ donate warm clothes/ help them/ rebuild their houses.

6. Yesterday I/ go to school late because I/ miss the bus.

7. Do you like/ work with children/ or with elderly people?

8. It’s good/ donate blood because you/ can save people’s lives.

II. Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect.

1. I/ buy/ a laptop/ but I/ not use/ it.

2. I/ write/ a blog/ but I/ not upload/ any photos to it.

3. We/ start/ the game/ half an hour ago/ hut we/ not finish/ it.

4. My dad/ be/ to London/ but he/ not see/ Big Ben.

5. I/ read/ my English book/ but I/ not do/ my English homework.

6. They/ have/ lunch/ but they/ not have/ dinner.

7. I/ download/ some songs/ but I/ not listen/ to them.

III. Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect.

1. I/ buy/ a laptop/ but I/ not use/ it.

2. I/ write/ a blog/ but I/ not upload/ any photos to it.

3. We/ start/ the game/ half an hour ago/ but we/ not finish/ it.

4. My dad/ be/ to London/ but he/ not see/ Big Ben.

5.I/ read/ my English book/ but I/ not do/ my English homework.

6. They/ have/ lunch/ but they/ not have/ dinner.

7. I/ download/ some songs/ but I/ not listen/ to them.

IV. Complete the sentences about you.

1. I like to take part in volunteer work because I think

2. I think we should help street children in our city because

3. So far I have donated Last month I helpe

4. Last month I help

5. I feel more confident after joining a charitable organization because

6. In order to make our school green and clean, my classmates and I have

7. One of my classmates comes from a poor family, so I have

8. I decided to volunteer to clean the street up because

9. I think we can help elderly people by

10. I believe that volunteers are the happiest people because





I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1. B

11. D

21. C

31. C

41. B

2. A

12. A

22. C

32. A

42. D

3. C

13. D

23. D

33. D

43. C

4. A

14. A

24. A

34. A

44. C

5. D

15. A

25. C

35. C

45. B

6. D

16. B

26. A

36. A

46. B

7. C

17. D

27. C

37. C

47. C

8. B

18. A

28. D

38. C

48. B

9. C

19. B

29. C

39. D

49. C

10. B

20. A

30. D

40. A

50. A

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

1. D

4. B

7. A

10. C

13. A

2. A

5. D

8. A

11. C

14. B

3. C

6. D

9. D

12. A

15. D


I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.




















































I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.

1. services

6. voluntary

11. non-profit

16. advice

2. Disabled

7. charitable

12.to attend


3. organisation

8. elderly



4. donation

9. certain

14. uneasy


5. non-profit

10. difference




I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form.

1. was having

6. is cleaning

11. haven’t seen- left

2. has travelled

7. began

l2. is playing

3. haven’t begun

8. has made

13. left

4. is running

9. is cooking

14. has been

5. invited- didn’t come

10. going

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. Have you ever done...

6. helped

2. did

7. went

3. have collected

8. has done

4. has made

9.has never eaten

5. have carved

10.have known

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.has been

2. was

3. made

4. was

5.has made

6. has taken

7. has been

8. visited

9.have been

10. bought


I. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that needs correcting.

1. C

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. C

II. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.

1. went → gone

6.donate →donating

2.didn’t → haven’t

7.recycle →to recycle

3.cooker → cook

8.studied → have studied

4.already → yet

9. have drunk🡪 has drunk

5.for → to

10. have bought - bought


I. Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

l. C


3. D

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. A

II. Read the passage, and then choose the best answers.

l. C


3. D

4. B

5. D

III. Read the conversation between the interviewer (I) and the head of the village (HoV), and then choose the correct answers.



3. C

4. C

5. A

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, Cor D to fill each blank in the following passage.

l. A


3. B

4. B

5. B


I. Use the words and phrases to complete sentences.

1. The lakes are full of rubbish. We should ask our friends to clean them this Sunday.

2. The hurricane was terrible. Many houses are destroyed and many people became homeless.

3. They are cold and hungry. They have to live on the street this winter. We should ask people to help them.

4. We can cook meals and bring them to homeless people.

5. We can ask people to donate warm clothes and help them to rebuild their houses

6. Yesterday I went to school late because I missed the bus.

7. Do you like working with children or with elderly people?

8. It’s good to donate blood because you can save people’s lives.

II. Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect.

1. I have bought a laptop, but I have not used it.

2. I have written a blog, but I have not uploaded any photos to it.

3. We started the game half an hour ago, but we have not finished it.

4. My dad has been to London, but he has not seen Big Ben.

5. I have read my English book, but I have not done my English homework.

6. They have had lunch, but they had not had dinner.

7. I have downloaded some songs, but I have not listened to them.

III. Use the cues to make sentences in the present perfect.

1. I have bought a laptop, but I have not used it.

    1. I have written a blog, but I have not uploaded any photos to it.
    2. We started the game half an hour ago, but we have not finished it.
    3. My dad has been to London, but he has not seen Big Ben.
    4. I have read my English book, but I have not done my English homework.
    5. They have had lunch, but they have not had dinner.
    6. I have downloaded some songs, but I have not listened to them.

IV. Complete the sentences about you.

(Suggested answers)

  1. it is very helpful.
  2. they are in need/ they have a difficult life/ they live in very bad conditions.
  3. ten old books and fifty thousand VND.
  4. some street children to read and write in evening classes
  5. I have done some volunteering work to help other people.
  6. collected garbage and put more dust bins.
  7. gave him/ her some old clothes, and some notebooks.
  8. it is very dirty.
  9. cleaning up their houses.
  10. they bring happiness to other people/ others.
